AWC Lash Application & Removal

Step 1

Before applying your AWC lashes, measure the lash band against your upper eyelid to the most comfortable fit. Trim the bands excess to desired length based off of your previous measurement. This helps avoid any discomfort that could be cause from an ill fitting band.

Step 2

Using the lash adhesive of your choice (AWC advises against hair glue, super glue, school glue, etc. of any kind), apply a thin layer adhesive to the band of the lash and wait until the glue becomes tacky. Only when the lash adhesive is tacky the band will adhere to the eyelid.

Step 3

Using lash tweezers or clean fingers apply the lash band as close to the center of your natural lash line as possible and adjust the ends to the right position. 

Step 4

Allow for the lash to dry completely before engaging in normal activities.

Step 5 [REMOVAL]

In order to remove your lashes, take a q-tip and gently saturate makeup remover oil, coconut oil, olive oil, etc. to the lash band. Wait 5-10 seconds then gently pull the lash from the outer corner to the inner corner.

Antoinette Wynn